Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Young Living Convention - Part 1 - Sacred Frankincense

2010 Young Living Convention Notes – Salt Lake CityWednesday June 15, 2010 – 9am

I typed up my notes and while I find them fascinating, I'm sure that many of you don't have time to glean the extremely IMPRESSIVE news in this, Part #1, post. So I'll bring some of the comments up front here and keep them in context below. If you are intrigued, you can read the entire post. If not, and I have no idea why you wouldn't be, you can pass on by.

Study has shown: Frankincense kills cancer cells and does not negatively affect healthy cells. Frankincense identifies cancer cells, liquifies and ejects them from tissue.

As shown in the documentary, Frankincense successfully treated equine (horse) squamous cell cancer, which was untreatable by the usual methods of chemo, radiation or surgery.

Cancer, arthritis and periodontal disease are relatively unknown in Oman and Yemen because the population has daily access to luban (frankincense).

In last September 2009, Gary Young was in intense pain from his logging accident decades ago when he broke 16 vertebra and has 11 degenerated disks. The doctors told him he would be in a wheelchair within six months due to the bone spurs pressing on his spinal cord. Read what he did to treat this with Frankincense oil and became pain-free in five weeks.

Frankincense, Myrrh and Balsam Fir were the 1st 3 oils dating back 10,000 years. [Discussion revolved around gold and the possibility that what was mentioned as Gold or Liquid Gold given as one of the gifts to Jesus.]

Palo santo (Bursera graveolens), a tree species native to South America (it occurs in the Gran Chaco and it is found also in the Galapagos Islands and coastal Ecuador as well) forms tear drops of resin on the bark similar to Frankincense and has similar properties and similar effect.

Copal tree is very similar to Frankincense tree (derived from the Nahuatl language word copalli, meaning “incense”) and is found in Mexico and Central America.

Boswellia sacra from Oman is Gary’s favorite therapeutic Frankincense since he first began using it in 1996. Boswellia carterii is also very therapeutic. Boswellia frereana is very fragrant and is usually used for burning and fragrances and has little or no therapeutic value. Gary said that Frereana does have its place in the perfume industry as it is the most sweet smelling of the varieties but lacks the compounds known for therapeutic uses. Frereana is good for chewing gum. I have a sample bag of Frereana from convention and it is interesting to chew as first it breaks apart and then over time comes back together.

Young Living uses Frankincense distilleries located in Spain (George Fernando), Nairobi, Kenya (Sadqa Haq) and recently constructed a new distilling operation was established in Oman and owned by Young Living.

When the Frankincense resin is collected, it is sorted by type (carterii, sacra, etc), graded (1, 2, 3 or 4) and washed. Gary Young’s business partner Sadqa Haq makes sure that Young Living receives only the carteri grade #1 Frankincense and now sacra grade #1 for our new single Sacred Frankincense. Gary asks if you do not know who sources your frankincense resin, who sorts and grades it, who distills it, then how do you know what is in your bottle of frankincense? Sadqa mentioned that often different types and grades are distilled together because that makes the end product cheaper. It does however reduce the therapeutic qualities of the Frankincense oil.

Why are we so excited about Frankincense?
Frankincense kills cancer cells and does not negatively affect healthy cells. Frankincense identifies cancer cells, liquifies and ejects them from tissue.

There are hundreds of studies and research that shows the therapeutic value of quality Frankincense oil and this year’s convention covered even more studies including successful clinical study of Frankincense on bladder cancer and also equine (horse) squamous cell cancer.
Frankincense, Myrrh and Balsam are known to have DNA repair properties. They also have cancer prevention properties because of the presence of alpha-pinenes, boswellic acid, and Incensol which is considered very powerful for helping those with chronic degenerative diseases.
Only Young Living produces essential oils from both Boswellia carterii (Frankincense) and Boswellia sacra (Sacred Frankincense).

Cancer, arthritis and periodontal disease are relatively unknown in Oman and Yemen because the population has access to luban (frankincense) which is chewed like gum or soaked in water overnight and drank the next morning. Frankincense resin has a high percentage of polysaccharides, boswellic acid and incensol which are both curatives and preventives in the human body. Oman has no cancer clinic as there are not enough people there with cancer, only foreigners or native Omanis who live outside of Oman. Also, Dr Suhail, mentioned later, said that there were not many dental offices either.

HPGC – High Precision Gas Chromatograph
The longer the column on the chromatograph, the higher the resolution. YL now has a lab on the farm in Ecuador equipped with a Gas Chromatograph calibrated by Dr. Herve Casabianca from France, the leading botanical chemist in the world. This piece of technological equipment measures compounds in the essential oil. Using this method, 28 compounds were identified in Boswellia carterii and 24 compounds were identified in Boswellia sacra.
DNA Repair and RegenerationDNA repair – Frankincense, Hyssop and Idaho Balsam Fir.
If Frankincense is distilled properly, which includes correct temperature, pressure and length of time, greater than 15 hours of distillation, then the heavier molecules are extracted. One of these important molecules is Incensol Acetate.

From one of Gary’s first uses of Frankincense with cancer, he treated a person who had a tumor growing on his neck at the rate of one inch every 24 hours. This case Gary used Frankincense internally for the first time. Not only did the tumor growth stop, the tumor itself looked like it dissolved. The photos I saw showed a tumor about the size of a melon. It looked huge! The after pictures showed a normal shaped neck and shoulder but with skin discoloration in the affected area.

Regeneration of Disc, Cartilage and Bone – Frankincense.In 2009 Gary had osteophites (bone spurs) growing from his previously injured disks (logging accident, 16 broken vertebra, 11 degenerated disks) disks. The osteophites were pushing on his spinal cord producing intense pain. The doctors told him he would be in a wheelchair within 6 months and recommended surgery.
Gary was given a solution after waking up at 2am on morning. He mixed Frankincense with his own blood serum (after separation from the red blood cells) and did 17 injections into his spine and neck. He healed himself in 5 weeks and was able to travel to the YL convention in Japan. He has been pain free since. Dr Suhail reviewed the before and after x-rays taken of Gary’s back and said this healing is currently unknown in today’s medical world. (paraphrased) Actually, Dr Suhail called it a miracle.

A short film clip showed another man who was told he needed double knee replacement surgery and instead of the surgery, he traveled to NovaVita clinic in Ecuador where Gary Young’s clinic is. Here he also was treated with the new and pioneering use of essential oils by having the patient’s own blood drawn, separated, blended with Frankincense oil and then injected into the area of concern. I did not write down his name, but he is no longer in need of knee replacement surgery.

Boswellic acid which is found in Frankincense resin and oil has shown much promise in the treatment of Rheumatoid arthritis, leukemia and bladder cancer. It was also effective in reducing serum cholesterol and had strong anti-inflammatory properties.

Can be used to replace steroid treatment for anti-inflammatory properties.

Reduces cholesterol by 38%.

Other studies have shown Frankincense induces cell death (apoptosis) in leukemia cells.

Frankincense kills bladder cancer cells while not affecting healthy cells.

I also watched 60 of the 90 minutes of the documentary The Gift on Frankincense Oil. In those 60 minutes, there is a vetinarian in Virginia who used Frankincense oil and several cases of equine squamous cell carcinoma. He was extremely impressed. These are not labratory studies, but real-life application. After treatment with Frankincense oil, the tumors basically swelled up, ruptured, then healed over with no remaining evidence of the original cancer cells.

New Product:
Sacred Frankincense (Boswellia sacra)
exclusively from Oman is now available in 5ml bottles (85 drops) for
$50.00 wholesale/ Customer $65.79.

Existing Product:
Frankincense (Boswellia Carterii)
15 ml bottle (250 drops) for $69.75 wholesale / $91.78 Customer / $80.76 Preferred Customer

New and Not yet offered:
Frankincense Burner – burning frankincense resins stimulates immune system and emotions. Ancients draped clothes over the burner (placed under a 1 meter tripod) to purify and deodorize the garments. During the day the bed sheets would be draped over the burners to purify. The burner comes with a sack of frankincense resin for $29.95. This was offered at Convention only. I did purchase and have been enjoying the burner. It does smoke, but so far has not set off the smoke detector. Currently additional resin is not available, but promised. Resin is not only good in the burner, but also used as chewing gum.

My Personal Testimonial using Frankincense Oil.

I was diagnosed with Anti-thyroid antibodies in 2006. I used Frankincense Essential Oil topically over Thyroid. and within three months my antibody level dropped from 400+ to 12. In 2009 I gave birth to my first baby Olivia, and 8 months later, my thyroid was tested and again my antibody level was over 200. Again I applied Frankincense Essential Oil topically over thyroid and again within three months my antibody level dropped to 11.


Unknown said...

i recently came across some very good good frankincense oil, also from the boswellia sacra tress, is called PureSacra Essential oil you can get it

Linda said...

recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism. two of my sisters have Hashimoto's which is caused by the production of anti-TPO antibodies. I am very interested in more information about the topical application of frankincense. Was it diluted in a carrier oil or applied full strength?